Reissue of works from from 1980-81 by this Italian group. "Futurism with its dynamic force, youthful spirit, attention to innovation and a bit of Italian histrionism; the sixties with their hopeful and playful atmosphere and their crisp and catchy music; Italy with its beautiful sun, beaches, Mediterranean brightness and laxity; minimalism with its focus on the deepness of details; all the things happening in Bologna in the late seventies, among some of the newest and most creative experiences in film, performance, fashion and music. With these elements and a strong, confessed musical influence of an unlikely pair like Area and Devo some of the freshest and most original music ever was produced by the Confusional Quartet (Lucio Ardito, bass guitar; Gianni Cuoghi, drums; Enrico Serotti, electric guitar; Marco Bertoni, keyboards), with the help of the inventive craftmanship of their sound engineer Gianni Gitti. Composed as short, fast changing miniatures with crazy rhythms and outstandingly playful and catchy tunes, blending diverse musical genres, very nicely arranged and enriched by a creative use of the recording studio, the 24 pieces collected in this disc represent their almost complete recorded output (including alternative versions and a previously unpublished piece) and show a musical maturity which is quite amazing for a group in which three members out of four were at the time still under 18!"
The tracks 1-13 were originally released on 'Confusional Quartet' LP (1980), the tracks 14-20 on 'Confusional Quartet' EP (1981), tracks 21-23 on 'Documentario' Flexi (1981) and the track 24 is unreleased.
1 Orinoco Blues
2 Paranoisa
3 Flas
04 XXX?
05 Trallà Papppà
06 Bologna Rock
07 Pensione Elastica
08 Guerra in Africa
09 Nebdo Zip
10 Beguine sulla Luna
11 Volare
12 Swing
13 Voulez-vous De La Canne Au Sucre?
14 Dlin Dlon Cow Boy
15 Samba Paperino
16 Plastic City Dinamic
17 Cinzano
18 1Sigla
19 4Sigla
20 6Sigla
21 Pronipoti
22 Pubblicità
23 Cosè???
24 Moda Kermesse
1 commento:
I will in a few days a disc of the keyboard's palyer of the band Marco Bertoni. Enjoy it !
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