Originally called "Kleenex", this Swiss band had to change their name in order to avoid legal trouble with the tissue manufacturers. This all-girl-band (mostly) with a very energetic and original sound was considered by some as a sort of "the new Slits". After a few records and various personal and musical changes they split in the early 80's.
A1 Die Matrosen
B1 Split
Rough Trade RT 047
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6 commenti:
Many thanks - great blog
Thanks so much, this music RULES. Love Kleenex and love Liliput. For me, better than Slits.
can u repload it please?
can u reupload it please?
Hey can u re-upload it please?
One of their greats - "Split" is a proto-avant-girlpunk gem. I wasn't so keen on "Die Matrosen" at the time, leaving me to fall in love with it years later. Agree with Sergio, Kleenex/Liliput far surpass the great Slits in my affection, and even the glorious Raincoats. It's music that stays with you from first listen to grave.
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