Vice Versa was formed in Sheffield by Stephen Singleton and Mark White in 1978. They asked Martin Fry to join them after Martin had interviewed them for his fanzine Modern Drugs. They founded their own independent record label called Neutron Records and produced their first single 'Music 4'. Quote Stephen Singleton: "I remember going to the Limit nightclub and going up to people saying - psss do you want to buy one of these records." To their own surprise the single became single of the week in the NME.
Neutron records most important contribution to the scene was the EP '1980 - The First 15 Minutes', which featured four unsigned bands of Sheffield: ClockDVA, Vice Versa, I´m so Hollow and the Stunt Kites.
As Vice Versa they played a numerous amount of gigs.Their first gig was with The Human League at the Now Society at the Sheffield University and it was called 'What no Drummers'.
When they went over to Holland on tour, they were invited to jam in a studio in Rotterdam. Martin started to improvise on vocals and everybody was surprised by the quality of his voice. They decided to make him the lead singer instead of Mark White and spent about a year writing new songs, thinking of a new name and concept. The result was ABC.
stephen singleton:synths/sax
mark white:vocals
martin fry:synths

A1 Stilyagi
B1 Eyes Of Christ
Backstreet Backlash Records BBR003
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1 commento:
Hi, I'm a big fan of your blog. I've noticed you've begun posting serveral 7' singles from Sheffield, UK acts like Vice Versa, 2.3, and Cabaret Voltaire. I was wondering if you could find any releases by another Sheffield electronic music act called Graph. As far as I know they only have a track called 'Drowning' that was officially released on a Fast Records comp called 'Earcom 2.' There's also another track out there that I have that's called 'March of the One State.' As far as I know, it was only a demo but there are more of them out there somewhere. I could send you the files I have if you'd like. But, if you could track down anything else by this great band or one of their offshoots such as Salon Graph, the Musical Janeens, or Ian Elliott then I would be eternally grateful. Thanks again for all the great music.
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