The Room were a cult Liverpool band who released three albums and a slew of singles between 1980 and 1986. Formed by songwriter Dave Jackson and bassist Becky Stringer in 1979, The Room reaped critical acclaim with singles such as In Sickness And In Health and Things Have Learnt To Walk That Ought To Crawl, as well as the album Indoor Fireworks (1982) and several John Peel BBC sessions. In 1983-84 the band had a shot a chart success on a major label, with the excellent album In Evil Hour produced by John Porter (Smiths) and mercurial Television personality Tom Verlaine. In 1988 the core of the band morphed into Benny Profane, and later still became Dead Cowboys.
A1 Motion
B1 The Waiting Room
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1 commento:
Brilliant blog. I'm amazed that someone else shares the same record collection as me. I loved the Room, particularly Things Have Learned To Walk That Ought To Crawl. Any chance of you featuring this on the blog?
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