To know the origins we have to come back at the end of 70's, to a punk rock band called Electric Nerves. Then the band lose the guitar player and changes the name in Pale T.V., with an atypical formation of 3 girls and 1 man: Francesca "Blue Niagara" (keys), Valeria "Whip" (bass), Alessandra "Lady Adrenalina" (drums), Alex (voice and sax). Their first 7'', 'Night Toys' got a tipical new wave inspiration.The name changes shortly in Pale and in 1982 Blue agents Lp is out. In this period they receive a lot of proposals, including invitations from Caterina Casella, Milva or a possible participation to the Festival of Sanremo.
The Pale reject these offers, considering them as a compromise : after this waste, the label Italian Records decide to split with them. In 1983 they open the four italian concerts of Simple Minds and after few months, unable to get labels interested, they stop their career in music production.
The Pale reject these offers, considering them as a compromise : after this waste, the label Italian Records decide to split with them. In 1983 they open the four italian concerts of Simple Minds and after few months, unable to get labels interested, they stop their career in music production.
A1 The Parallel Cat (2:30)
A2 Teutonic Knight (3:24)
A3 Something Wicked This Way Comes (2:18)
A4 Tatuate E Contuse (2:39)
A5 The Livid Triptych (3:05)
A6 Lôve (4:04)
B1 All The Dead Children (3:55)
B2 Photoglass (3:03)
B3 Lovelace Lips (1:44)
B4 False Actions (3:38)
B5 Shimpu (4:10)
Italian Records EXIT 909
5 commenti:
many thanks! :-)
grande questo disco, ce l'ho in vinile!!!!
vogliamo ancora roba dell'italian records
stefano sorcaelettrica
there is another single in their discography: 'Morti e Sepolti' (the B side is 'Alida V.), a 1983 self production.
ciao ragazzi mi fa molto piacere che vi sia piaciuto e vi terro'aggiornati se qualcosa si muoverà.
whip the bass
Ciao Whip,
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